Jun 2, 2011

I took a picture of your baby food once before but didn't post it.  Even with my edits I wasn't happy with it.  These, however, I think are very neat.  They sort of jump of the page and smack you right in the face.  Ouch! 

Now on a different note.  When I'm unloading your clean bottles from the dishwasher, I often pull out all of the Dr. Brown bottle filters at the same time and hold them in my hand.  Each time, as I'm holding them, I think to myself they look like a bouquet.  So I snapped a shot.  Not too shabby right?  I am going to post the before and afters on my photo blog with the picture settings.

1 comment:

  1. I had to laugh at the bouquet of Dr. Brown's bottle filters! We used to use Dr. Brown's bottles when the kids were babies, too.

    You take beautiful photos!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment. =)
