May 17, 2011

You had your 9 month check-up today and are lookin’ good and healthy according to your pediatrician!  Heart, lungs, hips and ears all look or sound healthy.  You are hitting all of your milestones at a good pace.  You weigh 16.8 lbs. although I’m not sure how accurate that is since you wouldn’t stay still on the scale.  You grew an inch, from 26 to 27 inches, and your head circumference is 17 inches.  According to Babycenter, you fall into the following percentiles.  While you are not abnormally small you are indeed like your mama; petite! 
Length = in percentile 25
Weight = between percentile 10 and 25
Head Circumference = in percentile 25

What do the percentiles mean?
If your child is in the 20th percentile for weight, for example, he weighs more than 20 percent of children his age and less than the other 80 percent.
Our Growth Percentile Calculator is a general educational tool only; it is not the last word on how your child is growing. This calculator is not a substitute for having a physician monitor your child's growth during regularly scheduled examinations. If you have any questions about your child's growth patterns, please ask your child's doctor.
These percentiles were compiled using the latest growth chart data from the National Center for Health Statistics, U.S. Public Health Service (released in November 2000). The numbers are based on five health surveys done in the United States between 1963 and 1994. The data takes into account the combined growth patterns of babies from all races and ethnicities and those who have been breast and formula-fed. Past growth charts, which were widely used by pediatricians since 1977 and adopted by the World Health Organization for international use since 1978, were often criticized because they were based on data from a single study of primarily formula-fed, white, middle-class infants in a limited geographic area of southwestern Ohio.

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