To say that the day Alivia was born was the day I’d love her least sounded impossible to me. I can’t believe how much my love grows for her every day and to think it will continue to grow is unreal. Alivia was born on August 13, 2010 (Friday the 13th) at 8:58 PM weighing in at 5 lbs. 14 oz. Every day she discovers new things and develops her own little personality. The person she is already becoming in just the 7 1/2 months she has been in this world is amazing. Not only do I love her, but I like her with all my heart.
As a first time parent, you worry about many things. The one thing I fear most is not being in her life. This tiny helpless person is dependent on me and I always want to be here for her. I’ve always been good about taking care of myself and staying healthy but now, more than ever, I am focused on this. Everything I do is contemplated with Alivia in the forefront of my mind. Before I do anything I ask myself how this will affect Alivia.
I know there will be times that I am not in her life. I realize I can’t be with her 24/7. When I’m not with her I hope that this blog will remind her how much I love her.
When I was younger, and still currently, I'd write my mom letters to let her know how much I love her. My Step-dad once referred to them as "Love Letters". With that in mind, I decided to name this blog Love Letters to Livvy to share the love I have for my daughter as I did, and still do, with my own mother. It’s crazy to think that now I am the mother.
Q: What is your full name?
A: Elena Katherine Ferdinand
Q: Where were you born?
A: Stoneham, MA
Q: What is your favorite color?
A: Turquoise
Q: Do you have a lucky number?
A: 7. It all started back when I was around 13 or 14 years old. I was trying out for the cheerleading team and was given the #7. When I got chosen, it became my favorite number. Give me a “G”, give me an “O”, give me an “M”, give me an “E”. What’s that spell? Go Me!
Q: Any pets?
A: One ray of sunshine. Livvy’s brother, Rocky. He is a miniature pinscher.
Q: Kids? If so how many?
A: Alivia Grace Ferdinand and just the one.
Q: Plan to have more?
A: I think we have our hands full with Livvy.
Q: Currently working?
A: I’m fortunate enough to have a husband that can support us all. Bob and I made the decision together that I would stay home with Livvy. Initially, I had intentions to keep my job. Since it was a stay at home position, I thought it would work out nicely. I wanted to have it all. My job however, required my complete attention and I soon came to realize that doing both was unrealistic. What was I thinking? My newborn baby required my complete attention also. After spending the 3 months of my maternity leave with her, I didn’t have the heart to go back. It was obvious, my heart was with Livvy and that would never change.
Q: Name something that scares you:
A: For the longest time, the thing that scared me the most is that I would start to have seizures again. When I was 13, I was diagnosed with having a seizure disorder. At the time, my neurologist thought I would grow out of them when I turned 21, or around that age, after I'd passed the adolescent years. Sure enough, and I knock on wood as I say this being superstitious and all, my last seizure happened when I was 21. Now however, the scariest thing to me is if something were wrong with Livvy. I pray every night for many things, just one of them being her health.
Q: What is the last thing you think about before drifting off to sleep?
A: Livvy. Worry. Smile as I remember the bits and pieces of our day. Then Bob. Love him for helping me make such a wonderful person. Finally me. I don’t want to disappoint her or my husband. Then I breathe deeply. Try to relax. Then repeat it all over again.
Q: What is the first thing you think about before waking up in the morning?
A: Livvy and the morning greeting I am going to receive when I go into her room all ready to scoop her up and start our day.
Q: Name the states and/or countries you’ve traveled:
A: Florida, West Virginia, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, New York, Connecticut, California, Texas, Arizona, Nevada, Tennessee, Cayman Islands and Greece. I feel like I am missing some.
Q: Do you have any bad habits?
A: I bite my lips a lot when I’m not wearing any lipstick/lip gloss. When they are chapped, I pick at them sometimes so much that they bleed (yes, I know it’s very ATTRACTIVE). I twirl my hair when I’m tired or just bored. Since Livvy was born, I’ve been wearing my hair up so that it doesn’t get in her way. For 8 months now the twirling of the hair has become only a nighttime routine since that is the only time I let my hair down.
Q: Do you have any pet peeves?
A: This is my number one pet peeve. You’re a passenger in a car and are singing along to the radio and the driver changes the station. I think that is so rude. Take notice I’m enjoying the song you punk!
Q: Do you have a favorite movie?
A: The Notebook. If I could live someone else’s life, it would be Ali’s.
Q: Name one regret you have:
A: Not taking better care of myself when I was younger.
Q: Name the first thing you notice about people of the opposite sex:
A: Hair and eyes. I’m a smitten kitten for dark hair and light eyes.
Q: Name 10 things you are loving right now:
A: Little Fevers (Baby Tylenol). Not sure what I’d do without it.
Fisherprice Jumperoo.
My camera, but not without the
Photo Editing Software.
Junior Mints. Have no idea why or where the cravin’ came from.
Five minutes in a hot bath without the sound of a barking dog or crying baby.
The weather because it’s finally getting warm enough to enjoy the outdoors.
My Android. Keeps me organized, keeps me sane.
Gymboree & Baby Gap clothes.
Parenting Magazine and not just for the articles, but the coupons!
Q: If you could have a super power, what would it be?
A: This is a tough question, one that I entertain quite frequently. Maybe I shouldn’t have shared that. I often wonder what would be better: reading people’s minds or the ability to be invisible. Not sure. I’m torn between the two. I'd have to have two super powers!
Q: Which do you prefer, sweet or salty foods?
A: Both! I like to have foods where both flavors are incorporated. For example: kettle corn, honeydew wrapped in prosciutto, watermelon with salt (yes, you read it correctly. It’s very BIG in the South), french toast with corned beef hash, etc.
Q: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
A: I haven’t visited anywhere long enough to know if I’d want to live there. Besides, my mom, sister, niece & nephew, friends etc. are here in the states. Where ever they are is where I want to reside. That is home to me.
Q: Name one thing you love about being an adult:
A: Being able to make my own decisions, but more importantly being experienced enough to make the right ones.
Q: You get three wishes, what are they?
A: To be financially stable for life, have a healthy family, and to bring back the ones I’ve loved and lost (lost meaning deceased).
Q: What is your dream job?
A: Something artistic. Graphic Design, Advertising, or something in Fashion.
Q: Name one thing not many people know about you:
A: If I could sing, I would.