Sorry I haven’t written in a few days but I’ve been quite obsessed with my new camera. For some reason taking pictures of you never gets tiresome. In fact it’s quite the opposite. Looking at a new picture of you is so exciting you’d think I haven’t taken your picture before. I swear you get cuter with each photo I take. Can a mommy love her baby too much? Nah!
So today I just have a few things to share. The older you get the more impatient you are with your diaper changes. Since now you are so mobile a diaper change, no matter how quick mommy is at it, is just enough restrain to aggravate you. You usually work yourself up and the next thing I know you are wailing at the top of your lungs. It’s very disconcerting! I’d usually change your diaper before each bottle feeding which would usually be the time you would have just woken from a nap. Instead, however, I’ve been changing your diapers after your bottle feedings since at these times you are usually the most content. Let’s just say so far so good. With the exception of maybe one diaper change a day you are pretty calm. The diaper changes in between your bottle feedings are a different story. After a bit of experimenting I found the best times to change you were either after you’ve eaten your solid foods or have been in mommy’s arms for a good 10 minutes. I think you find enough comfort in these conditions to get through a diaper change without having a meltdown. So I lived and learned. I’m still learning every day.
Additionally I have inadvertently changed your bedtime ritual. My favorite part of your night time routine was rocking you to comfort in the glider after your last bottle feeding. I say “comfort” and not “sleep” because we never rocked you to sleep. I always thought it was important for you to be able to soothe and put yourself to sleep. The main purpose of the glider rock was to keep you positioned upright to help you digest any formula in your tummy since at one point you had a very sensitive stomach. I also used this time as an opportunity for us to cuddle in preparation for the many hours ahead that we would go without seeing each other. Lately though you’ve become restless in my arms. No matter how I positioned you, you seemed to be uncomfortable. So now instead of our time in the glider, and seeing as your digestive system seems to be maturing not making the upright position a requirement any longer, I hold you for about a minute in my arms while I stand swaying back & forth before I put you down in your crib for the night. I watch you immediately roll over, put your thumb in your mouth, and lay silent and still. You look so peaceful that it always seems to make my own eyes heavy and ready for bed myself. As a little girl my tranquility would be a bedtime story that my mother would read to me. Now YOU are my bedtime story, the happy ending I look forward to and rely on to help me sleep at night. Although the ending to the story may have changed, from glider rock to the standing sway, I find comfort in knowing that it will still be a happy one!
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