Out of 14 days of good behavior, effortless napping, and independently playing, I guess I was sort of due for a more difficult day. The past few days have brought us to other people’s houses for pretty eventful visits. Unfortunately for us both you are unable to nap when it is not in your crib or in some type of familiar environment. With that being said, the exhaustion had been building up just preparing to spill over onto this day and now you are over tired. This morning I put you down for your first nap but you only slept a half an hour. Instead of waking up refreshed you woke up cranky, crying and, once again, clingy. I don’t think you are cutting a tooth because you are not quite that miserable.
On a different note, I haven’t taken any pictures over the past several days. I’ve been too excited about getting my new camera delivered and it just came today! I haven’t even been able to take it out the box yet but I look forward to it. Meanwhile, I’ve been trying to brush up on the basics of digital SLRs in my spare uninterrupted time which, let’s face it, isn’t a lot. I can’t wait for daddy to come home and take over so that I can have some time to really sit down and play with my new toy.
I’m so excited to take up a new hobby. I haven’t had one in about ten years and I was starting to lose faith in my artistic abilities. It felt so good to design this blog and start writing again. I hope that I come to be VERY good at photography. When I’m good at something, I’m more apt to enjoy and stick with it. Although I like a challenge, I hope it is not too difficult to learn what I need to know to take some great pictures. In past studies when I didn’t understand something, my tendency to get overwhelmed and frustrated was likely. In those situations, quitting can sometimes feel like the easiest solution. It may be the easiest path to take but that doesn’t make it the right one. You have to ask yourself how good you are going to feel knowing that you didn’t try your hardest. Remember that the more difficult the road, and you still manage to make it either over or through the obstacles, the BIGGER the rewards will be when you finally arrive at your destination. Be wary of things that come too easy in life. Remember that if everything were easy than everyone would be doing it. The challenge and difficulty in something is what gives you the opportunity to stand out. So SHINE baby! I hope you keep these things in mind and in the meantime I will make a promise to set a good example!
So I tried putting you down for another nap at around 1:45 pm. I had to wait until you were in a better mood to even think about changing your diaper and putting you in your crib. It’s only 2:08 pm and, although it hasn’t been long, I am hopeful that you are getting some good rest. The sound of your rhythmic breathing is like music to my ears! Mommy is going to eat lunch while God has given her this chance.
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