Let me tell you how amazing you are!
Yesterday I had you on the floor in the living room playing among your toys while I cleaned out my two inboxes that just happened to be spilling over with hundreds of unread emails. I had been putting it off as it really is a tedious task. Anyhoo, I look over and see you crawling for the first time. If I had been on a chair I would have fell off it. Luckily for Mommy I was sitting on the floor with the laptop on, well, my lap. You didn't even realize that you just met a milestone as you went about your usual business. I clapped, screamed and swept you up into my arms for some major kisses and hugs! I immediately called daddy to report the good news but unfortunately his cell phone was dead. Next on my list was Nana. She was all excited and came right over after work to see it for herself. You really surprised me. I would have bet my life that you were going to skip right over crawling and into walking right away. You have been doing so good with pulling yourself up into a standing position with the help of almost anything and everything. I have seen you standing on your own many times while distracted with a toy unaware of your feat. You stand so well and strong. Unless you are reaching for something, you are on your flat feet too! Way to go! With a little help from Mommy or Daddy you take multiple steps. The next thing I know we have walked around the entire house.
I'm so glad that I have something good to report as the last few days have been difficult for you. You are just getting over a nasty cold and if that isn't enough, you are cutting another tooth! I hate to see you sick but I love that all you want to do is be in Mommy's arms! It makes me realize just how much you trust me to take care of you. We cuddled a lot this past week and I let you watch a little more TV than usual considering the circumstances. I have been seeing Mickey Mouse and Elmo in my sleep!
It's almost the 4th of July and we are preparing for some fun upcoming events. Unfortunately Daddy is now sick having caught our cold so I pray that he feels better by next week. I would hate to see him sick on the week he takes off from work! I hope to have taken a lot of pictures over the next week so prepare to be overwhelmed with adorableness! Love you baby.
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