Jun 29, 2011

Pic baby, pic baby, 1, 2, 3... (ya know like the song?)  Yeah I'm losing it.  I'm over tired!

Jun 28, 2011

I'm taking the lazy way out for now.  I include a link below to view current pictures of my baby!  I will eventually post the ones of Livvy to this site but I doubt anytime soon.  Livvy is cutting a tooth and has a cold.  She is miserable and I don't have one minute to myself during the day.  When she is in bed is my only free time these days and I'm choosing to go nighty night right now as I seem to be fighting my own cold.  It's either a cold or severe allergies! 

If this is my mother reading this, doesn't the one of her in the carriage remind you of that one picture that cousin Laura gave to us of you in the baby carriage?  Cute right?  You two do look very similar!  

Jun 24, 2011

I drafted this yesterday and was supposed to post it but forgot.

So, let me see, what do I have to share today?  You were quite the CRANK today!  You took your morning nap and then nothing from 1:00 pm 'till bed time.  Yeah you heard me right!  With you only taking one nap, you were extra whinny and cranky.  A pleasant mix for sure!  Yes, mommy is being facetious.  I did, however, put you to bed at 7:30 pm.  You fussed for about 5 minutes and then off to la la land you went.  I sit on the couch with the video monitor clipped onto my yoga pants.  I hope you stay asleep. 

You also tried pasta and meat sauce for the first time today!  You had about 8 bites which is more than I thought you'd eat.  Way to go!

Tomorrow is Friday.  Thank heavens!  It really can't come soon enough.  Daddy is home this weekend.  We planned to go to Laconia for one of these days but the weather is not being too cooperative.  It's supposed to rain again!  All of this overcast, cold, raw and wet weather is a tad depressing!  I can't wait to be able to take you in the pool again but I'm not holding my breath or anything.

Anyhoo, on to the pictures.  Love you baby and sleep tight.

Jun 22, 2011

Okay, so I'm embarrassed to say that Nana pointed out that your top right tooth came through.  How did Mommy miss this you ask?  I had my finger in your mouth just a few days ago and nothing.  Now all of a sudden, it's there.  It's crazy I tell you!  Now I just have to update your Livvy Did What section.  Way to go baby!  You are growing up too fast for Mommy.

Jun 20, 2011

I took you to the park in our complex yesterday!  You had your first real ride in a swing.  At first you leaned forward too much so every time I'd swing you, you'd hit the front of the swing than the back.  It didn't take you too long to figure out to lean back.  In fact, you got so comfortable, I thought you were going to fall asleep.  Even with mommy clicking away and trying to make you laugh, you were looking right through me.  You were probably envisioning your comfy crib or something ;o)  We didn't stay too long since I really couldn't have you falling asleep on me.  It was way too close to bed time!

Oh and today, I gave you a sip of Mommy's orange juice.  You liked it so I gave you more.  I didn't want to give you too much because I wasn't sure how your tummy would react to the acidity.  So far so good though and it's been hours since you've had it.  I think you are also liking bananas more.  I give you them every now and then and, although messy which tends to frustrate you a bit, they are growing on you. 

Jun 16, 2011

I don't know how many times I've done this!  In my effort to multi task I'll carry around a piece of dirty laundry and dirty diaper at the same time throwing the dirty smelly diaper in your hamper and the dirty laundry in your diaper genie.  Don't people multi task to save time?  It actually takes me more time to figure out what I've done and go fishing for the bib in your dirty diaper genie and now your dirty clothes smell like poop!  Oh crap (no pun intended)!  I'll have to work on this.

On another note, I gave you a bath tonight and washed your hair.  I could smell your freshly washed hair for the rest of my life.  I took advantage and put my nose to it as I fed you your last bottle of the evening.  Which by the way, gets me to thinkin'.  When are you going to hold your own bottle little girl?  I've tried to give it to you many times and you'll hold it for about a minute then start fussing!  I try to help you angle it right to make sure you are actually getting the liquid but you just get upset with me and push my hand away.  The last time I gave you your bottle in your high chair, it took you around 40 minutes to drink about 4 ounces.  You'd constantly put it in your mouth, then take it out and REPEAT.  Mommy didn't realize until she was washing your bottle later that night that I had mistakenly put a #1 nipple on it.  Oops!  My poor baby.  Now I realized that you were frustrated with how slow and difficult it was for the formula to come out.  Sorry baby!  Anyhow, my goal is to keep working with you on this.  You have to be holding your own bottle by your 1 year birthday which is only 2 months away.  C'mon now!  I have to admit, I haven't been trying that hard to teach you only because when you do hold the bottle yourself it takes you longer and you eat much less which makes me nervous!  I'm a sucker for your teary eyed 'help me mama' face too!  You are not even 1 year old and you've already got me wrapped around your tiny chubby finger.

Anyhow, love you baby.  Sleep tight and as daddy would say "I'll miss you while I sleep".